POP3 Connector / POP3 Gateway for Microsoft Exchange 2007
Be sure to use PYTHEAS MailGate v.2.32 or later - its Configuration Wizard
has special support for Microsoft Exchange 2007. PYTHEAS MailGate
will interact with an Microsoft Exchange 2007 server holding the Hub Transport
Configure incoming mail flow
1. Connections to the existing Receive Connector
By default, Microsoft Exchange requires authenticated connections to its
default Receive Connector. Since version 2.70, PYTHEAS MailGate can
authenticate to the Exchange Receive Connector.
So either...
- do the following to allow anonymous connections to the Receive
Connector: in the Microsoft Exchange 2007 management console, go to
Configuration / Hub Transport, open the properties of the Default... Receive Connector, switch to the
Permission Groups page.
Tick the Anonymous users checkbox.
- configure authentication credentials on the Your mail server
page of the Configuration Program
2. Make the maximum message size visible in the ESMTP response
Configure the Receive Connector with the following Exchange Management Shell
Set-ReceiveConnector -id "Default Your_Server" -SizeEnabled Enabled
If you are not sure about the name of the Receive Connector, use the
Get- ReceiveConnector command to get a list.
3. Allow incoming messages sent to your messaging domain
In the Microsoft Exchange 2007 management console, go to Organization
Configuration / Hub Transport, the Accepted Domains tab.
- If you have your own messaging domain (like company.com): if you
see it in the list, skip the rest of this section. If you don't, add your
messaging domain to the list: Create a New Accepted Domain for your messaging
domain, with type Authoritative Domain.
- If you do not have your own messaging domain (i.e. your users have
email addresses like user@your-isp.com), create a New Accepted Domain for the
domain your-isp.com, with type Internal Relay Domain.
Then open the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Management Shell from the
Start Menu.
Issue the following commands (each of them on a single line):
get-ReceiveConnector This should yield a list containing a Receive Connector named like
Default Your_Server, bound to {}. We will now
act upon this Receive Connector.
add-adpermission "Default Your_Server" -User AN -ExtendedRights ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient
4. Other settings you may want to check
Spam filtering
By default, spam-filtering is not enabled on a server with the Hub Transport
role. In this case
you may skip this section. If
spam filtering is enabled on the Hub Transport where the above Receive Connector
belongs to (you will recognize Anti-Spam tabs in this case), make sure to add
the IP Address of the machine where PYTHEAS MailGate is running, to the
Green IP List (in Server Configuration, Hub
transport). If both are on the same machine, use .
On the other hand, if you want to use the Microsoft Exchange 2007 spam filtering
do not add the above IP address to the Green IP List. However, make
sure that messages recognized as spam are always accepted, so do not use
the Reject messages... option on Organization Configuration /
Hub Transport / Content Filtering / Action. Beginning with v. 2.74, you
may also proceed as described here.
Maximum message size
By default, the Exchange Receive Connector accepts messages with a maximum size
of 10 MB. In many cases, you may want to set a higher limit (Exchange
Management Console, Server Configuration, Hub
Transport, Receive Connector , Default...<server name>
or Default_SBS_Internet_Receive_Connector_<server_name>,
Properties). You may want to read
this, too...

Configure outgoing mail flow
If you do not want PYTHEAS MailGate take care of outgoing email, you may skip
this section and organize outgoing mail flow according to your requirements in
Microsoft Exchange 2007. On the other hand, if you want PYTHEAS MailGate take
care of outgoing mail, please do the following:
Create a new Send Connector
- If you already have a Send Connector to send email to the Internet, you
may consider removing it and create a new one, or modify it according to the
instructions below.
- In the Microsoft Exchange 2007 management console, go to
Configuration / Hub Transport, the Send Connectors tab. If the list is empty,
create a new Send Connector with the following characteristics:
- Name: ToPytheasMailgate (you can choose any name);
- Intended usage: Custom;
- Address spaces: click Add then enter * (a
single asterisk) as the domain name, leave Include all sub domains
- Network settings: choose Route mail through the
following smart host, then click Add, then add the IP
address of the machine which will be running the PYTHEAS MailGate
Communication Task to the list
. You may use if it's on the same machine.
Leave the Use the External DNS Lookup settings on the transport
server box unchecked.
- Smart host security settings: choose None
- Source Server: Your Exchange server should already be in
the list.
- If both Microsoft Exchange 2007 and PYTHEAS MailGate run on the same
machine, you will need to change the outgoing SMTP port of the Send Connector:
- Open the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Management Shell from the Start
- Paste the command
Set-SendConnector -identity "ToPytheasMailgate" -Port:2500
into the management shell window, and execute it. This will change
to outgoing SMTP port to 2500.
- You may check the new configuration with the following command:
Get-SendConnector -identity "ToPytheasMailgate" | Format-List
giving the following result:
Schema : Microsoft.Exch(...)SendConnectorSchema
DNSRoutingEnabled : False
SmartHosts : {[]}
Port : 2500
RequireTLS : False
Enabled : True
ProtocolLoggingLevel : None
SmartHostAuthMechanism : None
AuthenticationCredential :
UseExternalDNSServersEnabled : False
Name : ToPytheasMailgate
Id : ToPytheasMailgate
IsValid : True
Note that you won't see any change in the graphical user interface of the
management console.
Limit de number of outgoing connections
- In the Microsoft Exchange 2007
management console, go to Server Configuration, and open the
Limits tab. In Connection Restrictions, set both the Maximum concurrent
outbound connections and the Maximum concurrent outbound connections
per domain to 1.