POP3 Connector / POP3 Gateway for Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino with Anti-Spam Filter and Anti-Virus Protection

POP3 Connector for Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino with Anti-Spam Filter and Anti-Virus Protection: PYTHEAS MailGate
current version : 3.24a

Configuration Wizard for easy initial setup

Many built-in diagnostic tools

Download email from POP3 mailboxes to your Microsoft Exchange server

Supports any Microsoft Exchange version

Can handle several mailboxes simultaneously

Can handle outgoing email

Use encrypted connections to remote servers

SSL and TLS connections, with optional certificate validation

Send outgoing email via SSL or TLS to the SMTP relay

Automatic distribution of messages from "catch-all" POP3 mailboxes

Use special SMTP headers for automatic distribution of messages from mailing lists, or bcc-addressed messages.

Configuration Wizard for easy initial setup

Many built-in diagnostic tools

Download email from POP3 mailboxes to your Microsoft Exchange server

Supports any Microsoft Exchange version

Can handle several mailboxes simultaneously

Can handle outgoing email

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Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Certified
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