Our assets :
Modular and complete solution Coverage of 15 ITIL® processes
Customization Open software
Friendly interface
Intuitive navigation
SaaS (99.9% de dispo 7/7)
Pre-requisites :
Compatible with PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLserver
Compatible with virtualisation (VMWare, Microsoft Hyper-v...)
Incident management
You would like to manage your incident life cycle while minimizing impacts to your users ?
Our incident module allow prevent incidents that might happen in your company. If an incident occurs, our module helps you quickly back to a normal service activity and re-establishes service. In the standard version, the module allow you to follow, resolve and close the incident.
- Customizable forms

- Real-time monitoring
- Incident filter by statement
- Automatic email notifications
- Customizable indicators
- Incidents association
Demand management
You would like to increase users service quality ?
As the incident management module, PYTHEAS Service Desk implements a workflow engine that allow to manage demand life cycle. If many types of demand exist (standard demanr, non standard demand, demand with approval circuit...), you can implement a workflow by type of demand.

- Customizable forms
- Incident filter by statement
- Automatic email notifications
- Adding comment
- User satisfaction survey
Problem management
You would like to reduce the impact of recurrent malfunctions associated with problems ?
PYTHEAS Service Desk implements in the standard version a problem management module that enable to optimize the incident management, to analyze trends, to diagnostic and identify the prevent incidents in a proactive and timely manner.
Creation by many differents sources
- Classification according to their type
Assets management
You would like to control and driving your IT stock according to your own specificities ?
The module allows users to do multi-site management. Companies are described by their organisation (Department, Service, user) and by their location (place, building, floor, room, plug). The module provide many customization options to allow each users to manage the IT stock according to its specificities.

- Multi site management
- Customizable forms
- Configuration display
License management
You woulk like to optimize license management ?
Software license has become an important source of cost the last fex years. Our module give you a software statement of your company and can answer the following questions :
What are the outstanding contracts ? What software license can i use ?
- List software to regularize

- List software by publisher and number of licenses
- Operating system distribution,
- License management
- List of replicated software
Services catalog
You would like to improve the service delivery system to your users ?
The PYTHEAS Service Desk service catalog allow users to get a large view of overall services, to list them and to ensure that they are working properly.
Change management
You would like to control change management processes and limit the risks of disruption ?
Based entirely on ITIL best practices, the change management module provide a structure that lead to document automate and follow changements in your company.